Ever since I was little there have been bills to pay and my folks did a pretty good job of keeping on them. However I do recall my dad would get a few shades red every time a new bill came along. Now that I am all growens up I have bills of my own. So let’s break it down. First we have the basics then it gets a little more complex.
Rent $500 a month
Electric $60 a month
Internet $70 a month using Verizon air card
Netflix $9 month, can’t say was that one is really necessary
Groceries $200 a month is a rough estimate
I have never kept track of it. That is a goal for the month of Feb to watch my grocery bills. I think this will be the easiest place to save money.
Propane $500 every few months.
Gas $80 on the truck
$70 on the car
Car Payment $250 a month
Furniture payment $80 a month
Credit Card $100 a month
Student Loan $100 a month
I know I am forgetting something. Well this is where I am at and I only get about $1200 a month from the Government to go to school. Then I work as much as possible but if we can cut some of these things and keep a high quality of life, I am all for it.
Looking at this list it seems like a daunting task to eliminate all these things. I mean I need a place to live, shelter is a basic human need. I have to have power to run all my toys. Internet is a great tool that I use daily. Netflix can go away easily as I was running out of good movies to rent anyways. Groceries are food that fuels my body. I need gas to get me to and fro work and heat my house as its winter. These are all things I think I need in my life… except Netflix. Now let’s look at what I don’t need.
The last three bills I hate to pay more than any are my bad debt bills. I have them do to stupidity and every time I pay them I feel like I am being ripped off. I bought furniture when I first got married and now two years later we still pay on it. The Credit Card got maxed out from me thinking I would have a windfall to pay it off. As soon as it is paid off I will be cutting it. Last but not least in any respect is the Student Loan from the first time I went to college, this one I have been paying on for over ten years now.
Ok so you know the goal; eliminate all bills in one year. This does not mean ignore them. I will find a way to pay them off or not require their services any longer. This is will be interesting.
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